Institutional Sponsors
Established in 1990, the Greek Economic History Association is the academic association of Greek economic historians and an active member of the International Economic History Association (IEHA). Its mission is to promote research and teaching in economic history, contribute to the preservation of relevant archives, help disseminate research output and foster cooperation between economic historians. To this end, it organises public lectures, seminar series and international conferences; its monthly Electronic Bulletin of Economic History and website (hdoisto.gr) serve as the principal conduits of information about new publications, research and events on economic history in Greece.
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences is one of the leading Greek public universities in the social sciences. Established in 1930, it currently offers degrees in international and European studies, media, sociology, social anthropology, psychology, political science, history, social policy, public administration, and development/regional economics. The Department of Political Science and History has a long history of distinguished teaching and research, not least through its three specialized research centers, the Research Center in Modern History (KENI), the Centre for Political Research and the Laboratory for Contentious Politics.
Founded in 1958, the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is one of Greece’s largest research centers. The Institute of Historical Research is the Foundation’s research hub in the humanities. An interdisciplinary institute, it conducts research on the political, economic, social and cultural history of Greek and Roman Antiquity, Byzantium and Modern Hellenism.
Established in 1928, the Bank of Greece is Greece’s central bank and a member of the Eurosystem. Part of the country’s economic history itself, the Bank supports historical research through its Historical Archives (IATE). One of the most important banking archives in Greece, its collection comprise both the Bank’s own records and personal and institutional archives related to the country’s overall economic history. IATE promotes historical research, organises international conferences and participates in research programmes related to the country’s economic and banking history.